More Than 1150 New Zealand Working Holiday Makers Accepted


More Than 1150 New Zealand Working Makers Accepted
Source : Christina Yun

More Than 1150 New Zealand Working Holiday Makers Accepted

According to Ministry of Business, Innovation & Employment New Zealand Statistic, there are more than 1150 Malaysian applicants were accepted annually. The statistic data shown above were recorded from 2010 to 2014.

More Than 1150 New Zealand Working Makers Accepted

If you are one of the applicants, don’t give up. Furthermore, according to another statistic, shown below:
There were rejected applicants, and replacement applicants were accepted. So, Malaysians, keep on clicking that “Submit” button! All the best!

New Zealand Working Holiday Application Checklist


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New Zealand Working Holiday Application Checklist

New Zealand Working Holiday Application Checklist, what are the things to know before you apply?

New Zealand Working Holiday Application Checklist

If you are planning to apply the New Zealand Working Holiday Visa this year, releasing on 20th January 2017, here are the checklist:

    • New Zealand Immigration user ID – The only way to apply it, is through New Zealand Immigration Official Website. Refer HERE for more information. Remember you user ID and  password, you need to log in to New Zealand Immigration to start the online application.
    • Call up the bank – If you plan to use your visa/master debit card as the payment method, call up to your bank to enquire and increase the online transaction limit, to ensure the application payment goes through.
    • Sufficient fund in your visa/master debit card – Please make sure you have at least NZD 208 or approximately RM 700 in your bank account.
    • OTP code – If you plan to use visa/master credit card, a 6 digits OTP code may send to your registered mobile phones. If you are using your friend’s and family credit card, you might need the phone to be with you during the transaction.
    • Passport Validity – Make sure the passport is active on the day of the application. Filling in incorrect details of the passport, may lead you to cancellation of your working holiday visa afterwards. (Fail to meet the character requirements).
    • No documents are needed – Unlike other nationalities, Malaysians are exempted from providing medical reports, bank statements, English proficiency results, letter of conduct and others supportive documents. Just fill your details online, and that’s it.
    • Autofill formPractice filling the New Zealand application online form by using other nationalities. (Remember to delete application, if you did save). Refer HERE for more details. You need to choose the correct nationality on the actual day.

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  • Fill in online application The online form will be released on 20th January 2017 10am (New Zealand time). It is absolutely fine, if you can’t load the page before the actual day.

Tips Completing New Zealand Arrival Card


Tips Completing New Zealand Arrival Card

Tips Completing New Zealand Arrival Card

New Zealand arrival card will be handed out to you during your flight to New Zealand. Filling up the New Zealand arrival card is very easy. Here are the top FAQ and answers of the card.

Tips Completing New Zealand Arrival Card

  • Bring a pen with you.
  • Section 1 – Occupation or job, simply put unemployed, if you do not have one.
  • Section 1 – Full contact or residential address, write the name or the hostel address. If not, don’t worry, you may leave it blank.
  • Section 2a –Answer them if you are not from New Zealand.
  • Section 2b – Tick the “vacation/holiday” option, if you are doing a working holiday or backpacking in New Zealand.
  • Sections 5 and 6 – If you don’t declare something that you should have declared, you will face a hefty fine. If in doubt, declare it!
  • Avoid packing prohibited and restricted goods.
  • Clean your sports and outdoors equipment before you packed them.
  • Keep this card with your passport, as you will need to hand the card in at Customs.

Leaving New Zealand Filing Tax Return


Leaving New Zealand Filing Tax Return

Leaving New Zealand Filing Tax Return

Working holiday makers, if you are leaving New Zealand and not receiving income anymore, you may need to complete an Individual income tax return (IR3) declaring your income and expenses up to your date of departure.

How To File Tax Return

There are 2 ways in getting your tax return.

  • IRD Tax Return Link – Wait till the end of the tax year (31st March), and log into myIR(IRD online account), click on the link and follow the step by step guide.
  • Send in IR3 form to IRD office – Do it on the day you are about (a week before) to leave New Zealand. Download the IR3 form, fill it up and submit to Inland Revenue office or via post (P O Box 39090 Wellington Mail Centre Lower Hutt 5045).

Needed Documents

Together with your IR3, you need to prepare:

  • Proof of your income, deductions and claimable expenses information until the date of your departure.
  • Airline tickets or a travel agent’s itinerary with proof of full payment.
  • Updated postal address, including country and postcode.

IRD Return Tips

  • Send tax return inquiries through the myIR secured mail.
  • Remain your New Zealand bank account active to get your tax return directly credited into it.(Fastest and safest)
  • Nominate someone to help you out, you need to provide his/her name and IRD number to IRD.
  • Do it online.

Working Holiday IR3 Tax Return


Working Holiday IR3 Tax Return

How To Do A Tax Return After New Zealand Working Holiday

How To Do A Tax Return After New Zealand Working Holiday? Majority of the New Zealand Working Holiday makers tend to ask this question before leaving New Zealand.

To file a tax return,  IR3 is the form that you need. According to IRD Official Website, if you arrive or leave New Zealand part-way through the year, it’s not compulsory to file a tax return for the current income year. If you choose to file a return you’ll only get a refund if you’ve overpaid your tax.

IRD Link Sent Out On 31 May

Usually, New Zealand IRD will sent out IR3 link to your IRD online account on 31st May every year. All you need to do is click on the link and follow the step by step guide. Once you are done, you are all set to receive reply from IRD.

During the tax return process, IRD calculates the difference between the tax you paid and the tax you should have paid. That is how, you will get a refund or having to pay extra tax to IRD.

IRD Tax Return Tips

During the tax return process, I suggest,

  • Remain your New Zealand bank account, so that the tax return can be deposited directly to your account. It is much faster to get your tax return that way.
  • There is no rush to do the tax return, you can do it when you are back in your home country, by using the online tax return method.
  • Consider open up fix deposit account with your tax return money.

More about filling tax return, click HERE.

New Zealand Working Holiday Tax Code


New Zealand Working Holiday Tax Code

Usually on the first day of your work, you will be required to fill up your tax code and IRD details.

New Zealand Working Holiday Tax Code

  • M for person who has only one job, and that job is the primary job.
  • WT for schedular payments.
  • CAE for the earnings of casual agricultural employees.
  • NSW for the earnings of non-resident seasonal workers.
  • STC for a special tax code. This is a tax rate worked out to suit your employee’s individual circumstances. It usually applies when using one of the standard tax codes will result in too much or not enough tax being deducted.
  • S for second job with a lower income.

New Zealand Working Holiday Tax Code

Which tax code a working holiday maker should choose? Working holiday makers can use either tax code M or CAE.

Which tax reduction is lower? CAE tax rate is lower than M. CAE tax deduction is depending on your earnings. If you earn less than NZD 14,000, you will be waived from paying tax. However, if you earn more than NZD 14,000, then you have to pay tax.

However, most of the working holiday makers don’t know how much they are going to earn in a year, therefore M is the better option.

What if I have a second job, what tax code should I write? Your tax code for the second job is S.

Tax Return

What If I pay more than I suppose to? Don’t worry, that’s where the tax return kicks in. Working holiday makers can apply a tax return after they are done with their working holiday. All the extras, will bank in back to their New Zealand account or a cheque will post to their correspondence address.

10 Money Saving Tips In New Zealand


10 Money Saving Tips In New Zealand

10 Money Saving Tips In New Zealand

Save, save, save is the way to earn that money for your skydiving, bungee jumping, glacier guiding, waitomo cave adventure, water rafting and many more. So, how to save money in New Zealand?

10 Money Saving Tips In New Zealand

There are a few ways to save money whether you are staying permanently in one place or on the go.

  • Cook your own meals – Dining out in New Zealand is costly. A meal cost, may as same as your one week grocery bill. Furthermore, self cooking allows you to eat the food that you usually have back home.
  • Free food shelf – Free food shelf is a place where travellers left their unwanted or unfinished food or ingredients behind. Feel free to take them or eat them, it is for FREE!
  • Work for accommodation – You can work in hostel, farm (WWOOF) in order to have a place to stay and maybe food. This is a great option to cut down your travel expenses and get to know the locals.
  • Discount coupons – Cut those discount coupons from magazines or the supermarket flyers. Every cent count.
  • Promo tickets – Grab those flight, bus, train promo tickets. Some bus ticket are from as low as NZD 1!
  • Share petrol – If you are driving in New Zealand, find a travel buddy to share your fuel expenses. Or simply post your itinerary in social media or hostel, in order to find someone to travel with you.
  • Share food – Once you settled down, share your food cost with your roommates. It is cheaper to cook for several person than alone. Furthermore, you can save your time, if its not your roster to cook for that day.
  • Couch Surfing – If you are in the travelling mode, and plan to stay several days in town, find a host, and stay a few nights for FREE.
  • Walk – Whether is hiking, tramping or jungle trekking, it is the only way to explore New Zealand new and secret awesome landscape. Most important of all, it is FREE!
  • Working holiday starter – Many tips are included in the Starter Pack. They are designed to help you save money!

What Is New Zealand Working Holiday E-Visa


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What Is New Zealand Working Holiday E-Visa

What Is E-Visa? E-Visa or known as electronic visa is a visa without a physical label. New Zealand Working Holiday applicant who receive approval status from New Zealand immigration, will receive a e-visa in their inbox. Please print this PDF and show it to the New Zealand custom officers upon arrival. If you lost it in the middle of your trip, please mention your working holiday intention to the officer. Else you might be granted with a visitor visa instead of work visa. 

What Is New Zealand Working Holiday E-Visa

A working holiday e-visa is shown below:
A valid working holiday e-visa consist the above information. IF any of the information is wrong, please contact with the New Zealand immigration right away, at

For more information, please click HERE.

Realme For New Zealand Working Holiday Makers



Realme For New Zealand Working Holiday Makers

First of all, what is Realme New Zealand? Realme New Zealand allows you to log into lots of New Zealand sites and services. With Realme, you can get many things done online. It is secured, created by the Department of Internal Affairs and New Zealand Post. Realme New Zealand is officially backed by the NZ government, designed to give you control over your information.

Realme For New Zealand Working Holiday Makers

How Realme helps New Zealand Working Holiday Makers? If you are already in New Zealand, you can use Realme to:

  • Apply a New Zealand Visitor Visa, RSE/SSE Visa and other visas.
  • Apply a BNZ bank account
  • Change Ownership Trader (MR13C) online. Change vehicle ownership details once the buying and selling transaction done.

For more other online Realme services, please refer HERE.

Realme Introduction Video
More info about visitor visa, please refer HERE.

Apply Visitor Visa Online


Apply Visitor Visa Online

Now, New Zealand holiday makers are able to apply visitor visa online! Unlike the old times, we need to submit the application via courier, together with our passport. It is quite risky, what if our passport during the delivery? Now, worry no more, a image of your passport is all you need to apply your visitor visa.

Apply Visitor Visa Online

Applying visitor visa online is time saving, safe, and less expensive compare to the manual way. If you have a credit card, and all the documents are in electronic format, you are all set to go.
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For more information, click HERE.

List Documents Needed Apply Visitor Visa

To apply a visitor visa, you need the below documents in electronic format:

  1. Passport
  2. Outbound ticket to a country that you can enter, or proof of sufficient fund in your bank. (It is fine, if you don’t have a outbound ticket on the day your submit your visitor visa application)
  3. Fill out the application form.

Remark: A Realme user account is needed to apply visitor visa online.